Jens Astrup Jens Astrup


Restore AI Functionality following Shortcut design changes

Remove unused "Stalled Work Warnings" setting from popup

What's Changed

  • Restore AI Functionality following Shortcut design changes

  • Remove unused "Stalled Work Warnings" setting from popup


  • Refactor functionality for determining if the story page is ready for modifications

  • Run linter on all PRs

  • Only run AI Reviewer on new pull requests

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Jens Astrup Jens Astrup


It all begins with an idea.

What's Changed

  • Decrease refresh time for workflow states to 1 week

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Jens Astrup Jens Astrup


It all begins with an idea.

What's Changed

  • Configuring which states represented unstarted, started, and completed work is now unnecessary as the extension will determine this based on the available states within a story state dropdown. Refreshes once a month in case there are workspace configuration changes


  • Sentry is now properly initialized in the recommended way for Chrome extensions (not supposed to use Sentry.init) and is upgrade to 8.2.1

  • Upgraded @types/node to 20.12.12

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Jens Astrup Jens Astrup


It all begins with an idea.

What's Changed

  • Added a new "Breakup Story" feature which utilizes GPT to generate smaller stories from a larger story

  • Responses from the OpenAI proxy are now streamed, reducing the TTFB

  • Update eslint-plugin-perfectionist

  • Improved build/release commands to reduce package size

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