
AI Analysis

Analyze stories to generate questions probing how ready a story is for production, such as; considering feature flags, questioning security implementation, data handling, etc.

Or, break up a story into smaller pieces. Turn one large story into a series of suggested more approachable tasks.

All of this is accessible for free, or if you’d like you can provide your own OpenAI API Token. Responses are streamed right into the story beneath the description, so you can choose to utilize whichever portions you prefer and use them to update the story description, add implementation questions in the comments, or create new stories, using AI as your Copilot.

Development/Cycle Time

Tracking stories and making sure they don’t get stalled can be a burdening task as a team gets larger. Shortcut Assistant eases the work by displaying how long a story has been in progress right next to the story state.

While you can generate reports on the cycle time of multiple stories in Shortcut’s reporting section, Shortcut Assistant lets you see that data on the story detail view. So you can quickly spot how a story will affect your stats without having to run a new report.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Add some shortcuts to your Shortcut!

Change a story’s state, iteration, or estimate without leaving the keyboard. You can copy the git branch name of a story, and move it straight to In Progress with a quick keypress!

Todoist Integration

If you utilize Todoist, you can enable quick-add buttons that appear on every task which quickly add in reminders to “Work on”, “Review”, or “Follow Up” on a story with the link in the todo for you.

Clicking the applicable buttons, visible on each story beneath the description, opens a new tab in Todoist with the Todo title already filled out, ex ‘Follow up on <Story Title>’ with the title as a link back to the story.

Personal Notes

If you want to keep track of some information related to a story, but don’t want to necessarily notify story followers with a comment, Shortcut Assistant provides you with a notes section (available in the extension popup window) on each individual story.

Notes are synced between your browser sessions and are visible only to you.

Your Idea Next

Have an idea of what Shortcut Assistant could do? Submit a feature request on the Github page or on the roadmap.